Board of Directors

The Clover Hill Baseball Board of Directors is comprised of a dedicated, passionate group of volunteers who give countless hours of their time, sweat, and tears to create a thriving and impactful organization for the young athletes and families of Clover Hill and the surrounding communities. The Board meets regularly throughout the year to plan and coordinate all of the activities and details needed to operate a successful league. Have a question or want to attend our next meeting? Contact us and let us know what's on your mind. We'd love to hear from you!


Kevin Quinlan



Chris Case

Vice President

Bridgid Sandler



Alex Williams



Chris Williams

Player Agent


Megan Rauh

Co-Equipment Manager


Steve Sandler

Co-Equipment Manager

CH logo

Jay Wright

Field Maintenance


Joel Layman

Marketing & Communications

Jamie Wright

Member at Large


Board Member Positions & Committee Members


President – The President presides over all meetings of the League and all meetings of the Board of Directors, serves as Chief Executive Officer of the League, appoints committees and individuals with responsibilities to conduct the business of the organization for the benefit of the organization, assumes full responsibility of the League and ensure the League adheres to the rules, regulations, and policies of adopted by the Frederick Baseball Clover Hill League.

Vice President – The Vice President performs such duties as assigned by the President, assists in the performance of the duties of the President, and presides at meetings in the absence of the President.

Secretary – The Secretary records accurately and properly files the minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors and other activities of the League, reports the previous meetings' minutes to the Board of Directors at the start of each Board meeting, has custody of the Constitution and By-Laws and all other records of the League, handle all correspondence with other organizations or individuals involving this League and transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.

Treasurer – Treasurer receives and disburses all funds with the approval of the Board of Directors, keeps an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the League, gives a financial report at each meeting of the Board of Directors and at such times as may be requested by the President, provides all financial records and accounts of the League as requested for the annual audit and transmits all financial records to any person elected to succeed him/her in that office.

Player Agent – The Player agent creates game schedules for each Division, monitors each team’s compliance with score reporting, and works in conjunction with the President to promote the League.  The Player Agent oversees team assignments and verifies that all players meet the League age requirements, assisting the President in checking birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervise and coordinate the transfer of players to or from the age groups according to provisions of the regulations.  The Player Agent is charged with obtaining suitable umpires for the League as directed by the Board of Directors, will consider all complaints relative to umpires, and will make suitable recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Members-at-Large Officers – MaLO’s attend all scheduled meetings and vote on motions.  MaLO’s may be assigned to lead a committee and perform other duties that may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors or the President.  Without such specific duties assigned, MaLO’s shall assist in all responsibilities of the organization.


Social Coordinator/Committee Chair – The committee coordinator is responsible for organizing League activities such as Opening Day, team and League social events, and developing awareness of the organization through community involvement.

Volunteer Coordinator/Committee Chair – The committee coordinator is responsible for the leading role in organizing volunteer support and activities required for the effective function of the organization.  S/he will coordinate and work with the Team Moms to secure volunteers needed for concessions, field preparation, and clean-up for all home game days.

Fundraising Coordinator/Committee Chair – The committee coordinator is responsible for establishing, coordinating, promoting, and administering all fundraising activities for the league.

Concession Coordinator/Committee Chair –The committee chair is responsible for oversight of concession stand operations including planning a menu, purchasing the necessary supplies, preparing signage for advertising purposes, organizing volunteers, and the opening/closing at scheduled home games.

Field Maintenance Coordinator/Committee Chair – The committee chair is responsible for securing the materials required to keep the fields in optimal playing condition and ensuring the maintenance of the fields throughout the season.  S/he is responsible for scheduling the opening and closing of field activities each season.

Sponsorship Coordinator/Committee Chair – The committee chair is responsible for establishing, coordinating, promoting, and administering sponsorship partnerships with business and service organizations to support league operations.

Equipment Coordinator/Committee Chair – The committee chair is responsible for identifying needs, procurement, and ensuring the safety and maintenance of sporting uniforms and equipment. Coordinating with coaches for the purchase and distribution of uniforms as well as ensuring each coach has an equipment bag and the return of the equipment bag at the end of the season.

Information Officer/Website Chair – The information officer manages the league’s official home page, manages the online registration process, ensures that league rosters are maintained on the website, ensures that league news and scores are updated regularly, and distributes important information to league members.